The Dakota Access Pipeline Protests–2017 
This year, news blew up that the Dakota Access Pipeline, a crude oil pipeline ranging from North Dakota to Illinois, will continue to be built despite health concerns for those living above it. Given the history of the company funding this 3.7 Billion dollar investment, it is very likely that the pipe will leak at some point along its course. If and when that does happen it will contaminate the clean water sources of Sioux County in Standing Rock, North Dakota. The peaceful protests that tribe members and allies have enacted have resulted in violent and inhumane police responses.
The Sioux need us on their side; they need their voices to be heard. For our social awareness project, I decided to stand with Standing Rock and attempt to maker their voices heard. By creating this constructivist style poster, I hope to raise awareness in my own community and provide those at the source with collateral should my work make it that far. Water is a human right that no individual should be denied, espe- cially at the hands of our government. The constructivist style and wording of Modern Genocide gives an anti-government feel that I find appropriate, if not necessary for this context. 
Social Activism

Social Activism
